Delegate Registration

    Enter your Full Name*:
    Select Gender*: MaleFemale
    Select your Nationality*:
    Enter your Designation*:
    Enter your Office Address (Building, Flat No., Road)*:
    Enter your Office Address (Area, Lanmark, Town/City)*:
    Enter your Zip Code*:
    Enter your Previous L20 Involvement:*
    Upload your Passport Front side imgage (Size limit 5.0 MB:)*
    Enter your Email ID:*:
    Enter your Contact Number:*
    Enter the name of your Organization:*
    Upload your passport size photograph (Size limit 5.0 MB:)*
    Enter the name of your Country:*
    Enter the name of your State:*
    Enter your current Country:*
    Enter your Website:
    Upload your Passport Back side imgage (Size limit 5.0 MB:)*